Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Conjecture: Emillie, Alden, Claire, and I thought that it would take 16 handshakes for us to all do ours with each other


Thoughts: Our conjecture was wrong. It only took us 6 handshakes to shake everybody. I had a ton of fun making my handshake up.

Silly Story ( If I get all my homework done, then I drink milk)

If I get all my homework done, then I watch Netflix.
If I watch Netflix, then it puts me in a good mood.
If I am in a good mood, then I bake cookies.
If I bake cookies, then I eat the cookies.
If I eat the cookies, then I drink milk.

Condensed: If I get all my homework done, then I drink milk

Verifying Statements

Conditional: If I go to cheer practice, then I am tiered. TRUE
Converse: If I am tired, then I went to cheer practice. FALSE
Inverse: If I don't go to cheer practice, then I am not tired. FALSE
Contrapositive: If I am not tired, then I did not go to cheer practice. TRUE