Sunday, May 1, 2016


Reflection: I really enjoyed this project because it was fun to watch the face I created using math equations come together. Also, I had never used ellipses or parabolas before so it was fun to get to learn those new concepts.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Show me the Pi

Challenging: For me, the most challenging part about this project was just putting in the data to the graph because I had to be extremely focused in order to avoid not making any mistakes.
Surprising: I was surprised that when doing the slider on my graph that it was similar to pi.
Interesting: I think it was interesting that no matter what circle we measured, the circumference divided by the diameter is always similar or close to pi.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Pythagorean Spiral Project

I really enjoyed doing this project because doing the calculations helped me learn how to master this math term. It was also fun and entertaining to get to draw all of the triangles and see the pattern forming in my calculations.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Desmos House

In this project I got a lot of practice on learning how to create formulas that will turn into lines. I learned how make formulas for horizontal lines, vertical lines, positive and negative slopes, and lots of other things. Overall, I felt that this project was a fun way to learn and understand the concepts of lines and slopes on Desmos. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Conjecture: Emillie, Alden, Claire, and I thought that it would take 16 handshakes for us to all do ours with each other


Thoughts: Our conjecture was wrong. It only took us 6 handshakes to shake everybody. I had a ton of fun making my handshake up.

Silly Story ( If I get all my homework done, then I drink milk)

If I get all my homework done, then I watch Netflix.
If I watch Netflix, then it puts me in a good mood.
If I am in a good mood, then I bake cookies.
If I bake cookies, then I eat the cookies.
If I eat the cookies, then I drink milk.

Condensed: If I get all my homework done, then I drink milk

Verifying Statements

Conditional: If I go to cheer practice, then I am tiered. TRUE
Converse: If I am tired, then I went to cheer practice. FALSE
Inverse: If I don't go to cheer practice, then I am not tired. FALSE
Contrapositive: If I am not tired, then I did not go to cheer practice. TRUE